A stronger Southeastern Wisconsin through better connectivity

  • Our Destination

    An activated, regional workforce through modern, flexible, and efficient transportation solutions for all.

  • how we get there

    We take action, from launching and expanding the ground breaking FlexRide Milwaukee workforce transportation service, to convening and advocating for more transportation choices.

  • Support Us

    Join now to help change transportation in Southeastern Wisconsin.

Mobilise is breaking new ground in transportation

Since 1992 MobiliSE has advocated for innovative ways to connect SE Wisconsin through a robust array of transportation alternatives. Our efforts have led to a groundbreaking initiative, FlexRide Milwaukee, an on demand workforce transportation service currently connecting job seekers in the City of Milwaukee to job locations in Menomonee Falls, Butler and Franklin. We've helped nearly 4,000 people access jobs thus far, and are poised to serve more under a $4.2 million Workforce Innovation Grant and $1.3 million in Milwaukee County ARPA funding.

Why transit matters

MobiliSE Spring 2024 event, Why Transit Matters, brought together transit riders and advocates, and business and civic leaders, to articulate the case for why transit matters for our region’s future, learn more about how to be stronger advocates, and to issue a call to action to stand up for transportation choices.